The Charities

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Blue Cross

Blue Cross has been helping sick, injured, abandoned and homeless pets since 1897.

We help thousands of pets in need, providing veterinary care, expert behaviour help and find them loving happy homes, as well as advice, education and pet bereavement support. We develop lifelong relationships with pets and owners, providing quality care which is accessible and non-judgemental.

Our vision is that every pet will enjoy a healthy life in a happy home.

The generous support from Sir Peter’s Trust enables us to do so much more, especially with the horses in our care at our equine rehoming centres in Burford, Oxfordshire and Rolleston, Staffordshire.

Thank you so much for your support.

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Founded in 1934, Brooke is the largest international working equine welfare charity in the world, operating in some of the poorest communities. Our teams are dedicated to improving the lives of vulnerable horses, donkeys, and mules, as well as those people who rely on them, across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean.

Brooke often operates in partnership with carefully selected delivery partners enabling us to reach 1.4 million working equids directly, and 4.3 million indirectly. In recent years Brooke has been instrumental in achieving tangible outcomes for improved equine health and welfare, such as the role we played in bringing about a ban on the legal trade in donkeys for their skins across the African continent in 2024.

The late Sir Peter was Brooke’s Patron for fifteen years, and we remain deeply grateful for his passion for good animal welfare, and dedication to bringing Brooke’s vision and mission to life. Today, thanks to the ongoing commitment of The Sir Peter O’Sullevan Charitable Trust and our other funding partners, we are ensuring millions of working horses, donkeys and mules have lives worth living; and that generations of equine owners are inspired to create lasting change.

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Chris Wainwright, Chief Executive

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Compassion in World Farming International

Compassion in World Farming International (Compassion) is the leading charity for farmed animal welfare. Founded by dairy farmer, Peter Roberts in 1967, we have been making a positive impact for animals for over 50 years. Factory farming is the single biggest cause of animal cruelty on the planet. It is also a major driver of wildlife decline, deforestation, pollution, and disease. We believe that farm animals should not, and need not, suffer and that we have to bring an end to this cruelty.

We were fortunate to have the late Sir Peter as a passionate Patron, and in the 1990’s he would regularly participate in our campaigns to ban the cruel live animal export trade. In Sir Peter’s own words: "We must stop abusing animals in the way we do. I feel the way we human beings treat animals is comprehensively unacceptable in every conceivable way. The way we farm them is becoming more and more unacceptable. Billions of chickens that haven’t got room to move. They have no more than a pocket handkerchief of space during their short existence. Horses being transported from Poland and Lithuania 2000-plus miles to the toe of Italy to be 'topped'. It’s appalling." (Sir Peter O’Sullevan, The Telegraph, 2007).

We are honoured that Sir Peter gave his support so generously and that his Charitable Trust has enabled Compassion to improve the lives of millions of farmed animals by supporting campaigns and programmes for welfare reforms. In spring 2024, after 50 years of campaigning, we finally celebrated a legislative ban on live animal exports from Great Britain. The support of The Sir Peter O’Sullevan Charitable Trust helped achieve this victory, for which we are enormously grateful.

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Philip Lymbery, CEO

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World Horse Welfare

World Horse Welfare (Registered charity no: 206658 and SC038384) supports the horse-human relationship in all of its guises through a combination of care, research, education and influence. Founded in 1927, we help horses in need, horses in sport and leisure and horses in work and production around the world.

World Horse Welfare actively supports the responsible involvement of horses in sport and is an independent welfare adviser to the British Horseracing Authority (BHA), the International Horse Sports Confederation (IHSC) and the Fédération Equestre Internationale (FEI).

In Britain we rescue and rehome more horses each year than any other charity, and run four Rescue and Rehoming Centres where horses in need can receive specialist care, undergo rehabilitation and find loving new homes through our rehoming scheme – the largest of its kind in the UK. Since 2015, former racehorses are also benefitting from our expertise as we prepare them for second careers and find them loving new homes as part of our ongoing collaboration with the Retraining of Racehorses (RoR).

Encouraged by Sir Peter to establish projects to help working horses overseas, our international programmes in Africa, Latin America and Asia have been going strong for 30 years, helping to alleviate the suffering of many thousands of working horses by sharing essential horse care knowledge and skills with horse owning communities who rely on their animals for their livelihoods.

We also work tirelessly to change legislation and attitudes to horse welfare through campaigns and education, including our founding campaign to end the suffering endured by thousands of horses transported long-distance across Europe to slaughter each year.

Sir Peter was a true champion of horses and of World Horse Welfare. We were privileged that Sir Peter was a close friend and Vice President of the charity during our decades-long relationship.

The Trust has also generously sponsored a key forum of equine sector debate afforded by World Horse Welfare's Annual Conference in recent years, and has been fundamental in supporting the charity in its work training equine vets in China and reaching more horse-owning communities in Haiti.

We rely on the generosity of our supporters to continue our work and are extremely grateful for the vital funding that The Sir Peter O'Sullevan Charitable Trust has provided since 1998.

World Horse Welfare Conference
The annual conference, staged online and in person, is supported by the Trust. Watch a replay of the most recent conference:

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Roly Owers, Chief Executive

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Racing Welfare

Racing Welfare is the only charity which supports all of racing’s people - including stud, stable and racecourse staff, alongside those employed in allied professions - from recruitment through into retirement.

A career in racing can be exciting and exhilarating but the staff involved work long, often anti-social hours, in all weathers, to bring our wonderful sport to the public. Caring for horses requires a huge degree of commitment and is often very physically demanding. Therefore, incidents of illness, injury or disability have a major impact on working life. Also, as with any other industry, a percentage of our workforce will also face personal problems and mental health issues and it is important that adequate support is available at these times.

Through a national network of welfare officers, Racing Welfare provides impartial advice, guidance and support to all those employed, or formerly employed, in the British racing industry, together with their families. Furthermore, by means of our award-winning Racing’s Support Line, assistance is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Racing Welfare also has its own housing association, Racing Homes. With over 160 units of subsidised residential accommodation, and more homes being planned and built, we are able to meet the housing needs of those who require it most.

Racing Welfare does not receive government funding and relies heavily on the generosity of its supporters to maintain and develop these services. We are very grateful to the Sir Peter O'Sullevan Charitable Trust for the vital ongoing funding that it provides.

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Dawn Goodfellow, Chief Executive

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The British Thoroughbred Retraining Centre was founded by Carrie Humble MBE in 1991 and from the very start the enthusiastic support of Sir Peter O'Sullevan was crucial to its success.

Peter's support as the Centre's first Patron pre-dated the foundation of his Charitable Trust and the financial support he was able to offer from 1998 onwards played a very important part in sustaining the success of what is Britain's original and biggest Centre dedicated to the retraining, rehabilitation and rehoming of former racehorses.

Thanks in no small part to Sir Peter's support, we can look back and reflect on the hundreds of horses that have been helped to find new homes through the work of the Centre and are still being helped as we never sell horses we are gifted, but carefully match them to loaners and send them out on a lifetime loan.

BTRC are the leader in the field of Aftercare and have been supporting vulnerable Thoroughbreds for over 30 years. We continue to develop the Centre, not only for our core business, which is the retraining and rehoming of thoroughbreds, but also as an education centre to ensure best practice is maintained in this ever increasingly popular area of the equestrian pleasure industry. Since 2022 BTRC have established an important community engagement project, Horses Helping the Community, in which the work of the BTRC expands to the non-equine community to support with positive mental health and wellbeing.

To continue this important work, we rely on the generosity of organisations and individuals and chief among them has been the unwavering support of Sir Peter and his Charitable Trust for which we are extremely grateful.

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Gillian Carlisle, Chief Executive